Friday, March 18, 2016

four seasons ...

four seasons ...

she wanders through the forest
in her wedding dress
of snowy frost
and enters by a side door
where she knows
he will be waiting
and as she crosses the threshold
she wrings the cold
from her hair
leaving snowdrop petals
of ice on the carpet
and she stands there
in front of his clenched fists
that slowly open like dogwood
and his long fingers begin
to peel away the layers
of her frozen life
until at last
she stands naked before him
waiting with a slight shiver
as his eyes map
the topography of her body
the hills and the valleys
the crags and the crevices
of her warming flesh
until at last he seems
content if not surprised
and he covers her
with a blanket of soft foliage
and greenery from the meadow
bathing her at last
in the warmth of his embrace
even as the crows scatter
past the barren stalks of corn
and colourful leaves
fill the sky

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2015. All rights reserved.

circles of time ...

circles of time ...

the girl waiting to become a woman
smiled as she watched me
from across the room
her clear blue eyes
stuttering in anticipation
like the hands
on an ancient hallway clock
counting down the seconds
the minutes
the hours
the days
the months and the years
that she had endured
to arrive at this single axis
in the unending circles of time
and as she peeled
the bed covers aside
i said a silent prayer
that i might not falter
through the rise of night
and the urgency of desire
to be the one for her
but i hesitated
a second
a minute
an hour
a day
a month and a year too long
and what might have been
slipped by in an instant
sending her drifting into shadows
with only a final whispered thought
that every moment embraces
every other moment before it
and defines all the moments
yet to come

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2015. All rights reserved.

once certain, twice removed ...

once certain, twice removed ...

i miss my youth
the prairie roads
carving poetry in
fields of dappled gold
a summer's harvest reaching heavenward
to the toppling clouds
of a never-ending sky
where every imagined
beast or beauty
was caught in the reflection
of the big rivers
that poured like holy wine
into a young boy's veins
a sacrament of sorts
you'd think
but more and more
a tattered collection of memories
not quite lost
but lost all the same
i miss the danger
of falling in love
with a perfect stranger
unexpectedly slipping into my life
of imperfection
i miss the jarred butterfly pandemonium
and the nervous excitement
of hands wandering across
the skin of unknown bodies
the silly giggles of encouragement
and even the whispers of
hesitant rebuke
i miss the softest cheek
against my cheek
when lips wander
to lips
to share the breath of love
and breathe the pulse of life
from heart to heart
blending the two into one
i miss the slow waking
from solitude
into arms that wrap
across my shoulders
and coax my body
from the cold
and carry me
into the warmth of knowing
that dreamers live
lives asleep
i miss the missing
the times apart
the you there
and the me somewhere unknown
so high above the world
in vacant night skies
the time or distance
or both
that divides improbable lovers
from one another
the words and promises
that reach across
crackling telephone conversations
of wounded longing
i miss the purpose
the obvious reason
for being who i am
that i see in a knowing look
from bright expectant eyes
or that i feel in the soft fingers
that brush my hair back and away
from my brow
but mostly
i miss every day
when i might have said
something hopeful
and was silent

Copyright © Kennedy James, 2015. All rights reserved.

© Kennedy James. All rights reserved.
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